14 Easy Things You Have Been Doing Wrong Your Entire Life

 We are always engaged in tasks in our entire day. From running errands, household works to managing and organising our activities. In the midst of all this, we often end up doing things the wrong way. Whether it is squeezing a lemon or cutting a cake, we've been carrying out these activities in the same way our parents used to do. But, does that mean we cannot bring a change in the most basic things of life? Yes, we can and as you browse through the following 15 optimum tricks to do things you'll never find doing those things difficult again.

So, ready to bring a whole lot of change in your life? Okay, then, here we go with the easiest tricks you'll come by today.

1. Wardrobe management

 Instead of stacking your piling them up horizontally, start stacking up vertically. This way you'll not create a mess finding your favourite clothing and also see the whole collection you have.
2. Break a Toblerone 

 Forget about how you've been eating so far, from today onwards, just apply a slight pressure on the inner edge and cherish your chocolate.

3. Peeling mangoes

 Don't worry about cuts from peelers and knives, take a glass and run your mango slice from its edge. There you have it, a perfectly peeled mango pulp inside your glass. You also will not drop it in this way.

4. Tic Tac tech

 You drop your tic tac every then and now while taking it out, so from next time don't take it out the usual way. Slant it on one side as pictured and open the lid slowly, this way you'll be able to have one at a time.

5. Peeling boiled eggs

 Next time when you want to peel off the outer layer of a boiled egg, just roll it over the table, and it will peel off with zero efforts.

6. Cutting a cake

 When it comes to largely sized cakes, rather than finding a big knife, I'd say bring that floss out of your bathroom closet. Now, unroll it as per your needs and run the floss from top to bottom of the cake. Sorted!

7. Hanging those jeans

 You often are troubled with organising your pair of jeans. Instead of folding them and wasting your energy in handling them, use your shower/curtain rings and hang it on them.

8. Preserve an apple

 This is how your apple looks just in a couple of minutes after you cut it. Here's the solution:

9. Bind it with a rubber band

 You just need to cut it in the manner pictured and then bind it with a band, in this way your apple will not turn pale.

10. Storing brown sugar

 Brown sugar dries up fast. So keep it in an airtight container and put some marshmallows along with it. Marshmallows help the sugar in providing the required moisture.

11. Squeezing lemons

 There's not much to say, you always think about squeezing every last drop from your lemons but fail. You'll be able to squeeze much more in the way shown in the image and with fewer efforts.

12. Eating a cupcake

 You've been eating it in the wrong manner, right? Yes, the dry part present at the bottom is to break apart and put it on top, so it forms a sandwich. It also makes it much more convenient for you to eat it.

13. Drinking from a straw

 The left part of the image tells you how you've been drinking from your straw and facing the problem of it floating out of the can. But, if you put your straw through the soda tab hole as shown in the right part then it will not run out of the can and also become more convenient for you to drink from your straw.

14. Applying Cheese

You've been facing this problem from long while eating a sandwich, at times you have a lot of cheese in the mouth and sometimes none. This trick will help you with even cheese in every bite too.
