Creepy Quotes and Scary Sayings - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

191 Chilling, Eerie, Macabre, Sinister, Strange and Spine-Tingling Quotations To Keep You Up At Night

Trying to find a few creepy quotes to give you chills and keep you from closing your eyes at night? Looking for quotes that will disturb and give others goosebumps when you use them in public? Well, congratulations, you've found the right place. Below you're going to find word combinations that horrify, preoccupy and maybe, just maybe, make you're life a bit more paranoid. After all, who doesn't like to have a little paranoia in their life every once in a while?

A lot of the creepy quotes found below I've come up with all by lonesome, but you will find several that have come from other people, literature, movies and even casual conversations turned dark. If you are a fan of horror, I'm sure you'll find this article a good read, and if you're just a casual fan of being scared, I'm also confident you'll find a few sayings that make shivers run up and down your spine that will also keep you awake at night. Enjoy... and happy nightmares.

Creepy Quotes To Cause The Hair On The Back Of Your Neck To Stand Up

1. There are times when all I can think about is murdering someone.

2. Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows.

3. Delicate things are not as easy to break as you may think.

4. Pull back my carpets if you dare! Just keep in mind that you're likely to find something you may not want to see!

5. It was July when the dogs began to disappear from the neighborhood. About a week later, people began to go missing.

6. I've tried to take my own life 73 times. Every time was a failure. And messy.

7. Something was scratching the other side of my pillow all night long.

8. The smile she gave me wasn't one from mother to child: it was one from predator to prey.

9. I wish to organize the first serial killer convention. What do I need to do?

10. (To a gun store clerk) "I need to buy a rifle and one bullet."

11. Razors have so many interesting uses.

12. I get so tired of watching. I want to start doing.

13. We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight. . H.P. Lovecraft

14. Stare at me much longer and I'll pluck out your eye.

15. My hope is that one day I will be able to say, "I've killed a chicken."

16. Even a baby can be dangerous when given a sharp scalpel.

17. Kirsty: Who are you?
Pinhead: Explorers… in the further regions of experience. Demons to some, angels to others. – Hellraiser (1987)

18. I'm gonna make you eat this gold and then I'm gonna sink your ass into the ocean!

19. A good selection of herbs and spices helps make any kind of meat go down.

20. Nightmares will come pouring out of Hell when the Devil gets desperate.

21. What if the spiritual world is the job and the living world the vacation?

22. Those that don't go mad every once in a while, eventually go mad permanently.

23. Homes don't always like all tenants. They retaliate in whatever way they can.

24. There's a reason so many people like Halloween. The real reason goes unsaid by many.

25. Some spirits possess the living to feed the addictions they had while alive. Do you know anyone who eats a lot, drinks a lot, or smokes a lot?

26. "What's the best way to talk to dead people?” - A child to her mother

27. “The first time you're careful. You learn what you need to know to kill and take care of the details.” - Ted Bundy

28. Someone is asked what they're doing in the cemetery. He responds, "I'm looking for eyes."

29. Ghosts have been humans. Demons never have. That's the difference between being scared and being threatened.

30. Sometimes your imagination plays tricks on you; sometimes it doesn't. Knowing the difference can save your life... or your soul.

31. “My job is to get the Devil himself out of trouble if need be!” - A lawyer

32. There are bad spirits on the other side, just as there are bad people in this world.

33. Demons are constantly looking for new recruits, both in the living world and the spiritual.

The most disturbing sayings are often dreadful, gruesome, or unpleasant. They are also based in reality and are a apart of peoples' lives.

34. Bloodshed is the only choice left for me now. Bad news for you.

35. A sharp knife is necessary to slice through flesh. Otherwise, you'll shake the whole table.

36. In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men. Gil's All Fright Diner, A. Lee Martinez

37. Feel free to scream whenever you want.

38. The right music makes everything better. It can make the gruesome seem poetic. During my torture sessions, I like to play a lot of Katy Perry.

39. A needle inserted. Razors slicing through flesh. Ecstasy.

40. The first time you do something horrible is the hardest. You'll find the second time you do it won't be so hard. The third time? Gravy.

41. People come here for pain! For suffering! And I am the one that gives it to them!

42. Rule #1: Never open portals to Hell. You broke it; now deal with the consequences.

43. Is it weird that I like the sound of screaming?

44. Metal scraping against bone sets my teeth on edge.

45. While you sleep, spirits watch with envy. Sometimes you can feel their chill.

46. “People really think there can never be such things as zombies. I want to prove them wrong.” — A scientist

47. I want to be a grave digger when I grow up.

48. The skin is the best part!

49. I think my nightmarish hallucinations are a direct result of me drinking too much milk.

50. The worst thing in the world would be to be eaten alive by chickens.

51. The soup is made from tears, thickened by a nice roux.

Scary Quotes and Creepy Sayings

52. Fishhooks make for great playthings.

53. I've figured out how to make this organic machine last forever.

54. Even toilet paper can be used to kill if you know my secret.

55. Elongation of limbs can be a problem without the proper equipment.

56. I have been sent here to fulfill the secret wishes you'd never utter out loud.

57. One can't be too picky about meat when meat is hard to find.

58. The best perk of being rich? Being able to do unthinkable things. Things that would make other people cringe.

59. Give me a roll of plastic, some duct tape, and a few needles, and I'm set to go.

60. I had a dream last night that my eyeball fell out! Tell me what that one's about!

61. This whole bag of concrete has to go down your throat.

62. I've always wanted to find out what makes kitty cats tick.

63. It was the devil that was omnipresent. It was the dead who squeezed the living between fragments of time, on both sides, the past and the future, making of humanity a ghoulish sandwich of doomed meat that had yet to learn to stop kicking. — Christopher Pike, The Cold One

64. That sound you hear at night. That scratching sound. That’s the rats trying to gain entry into your home.

65. My fantasies are much darker than you think, my dear.

66. The sound of a shovel digging into the earth makes me shiver with anticipation.

67. “All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.” — Helena Bonham Carter

68. “We’re grilling a kind of meat I bet you've never tried before!” — An excited waiter

100 Of Horror's Most Famous Movie Quotes

These Sayings Are Scary Because We Don't Really Understand Them

69. “Through all this horror my cat stalked unperturbed. Once I saw him monstrously perched atop a mountain of bones, and wondered at the secrets that might lie behind his yellow eyes.” — H.P. Lovecraft, “The Rats in the Walls”

70. “I've killed no one. I've ordered no one to be killed. These children who come to you with their knives; they're your children. I didn't teach them, you did.” — Charles Manson

71. Baby opossums make for excellent appetizers (as they are hairless).

72. I promise to kill you quickly when the time comes.

73. “The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing.” — Aleister Crowley

74. It's time to round up all the smart people and open them up; time to find out what makes them tick!

75. “Fork: An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. “ —Ambrose Bierce

76. I have always had a strong urge to dig my fingers into a person's eye sockets.

77. The only thing I can tell you about revenge is that it fulfills a need. What that need is, I can't say, but every time I exact it on the deserving, I feel good, if only for a moment.

78. I always spout out horror movie quotes during my torture sessions. It make me and the victim more at ease.

79. Person A: Did you know that there are five dead kids buried in your back yard?

Person B: As a matter of fact, I did.

80. Nothing will give you more of a thrill than tracking a human animal.

81. The best days are the rainy ones. I can go outside and let the rain wash off all the blood. Much better than taking a shower!

82. Unfortunately, amputation is a requirement of the job.

83. My toenails have made many deep marks into that dead flesh.

84. I like to use glass instead of a scalpel. That's the way dad used to do it; that's the way I do it. Lets get started, shall we? — A torturer to his victim

85. It doesn't taste like chicken, you know. People who've never tried it always say that. It's more like beef than anything.

Horror's Lesser Known Movie Quotes: Still Creepy. Still Scary. Still Memorable.

86. “Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to meet the Devil!” — R.B. Harker, Howling VI: The Freaks (1991)

87. “Disposing of dead people is a public service, whereas you're in all sorts of trouble if you kill someone while they're still alive.” — Francesco Dellamorte, Cemetery Man (1994)

88. “Your father's one sick mother, you know that? Actually, your mother's one sick mother, too!” — Fool, The People Under the Stairs (1991)

89. “I think we just picked up Dracula.” — Franklin, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

90. “I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.” — Eli, Let The Right One In (2008)

91. “Bring out the perverts!” — Inspector Morosini, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)

92. “I'm still not convinced these things didn't just escape the local nuthouse and forget to shave or trim their nails.” — Cooper, Dog Soldiers (2002)

93. “Your death will be a tale to frighten children, to make lovers cling closer in their rapture. Come with me and be immortal.” — Candyman, Candyman (1992)

94. “He tells me that even old flesh is erotic flesh.” — Forsyth, They Came from Within (1975)

Get Ready For Halloween With More Horror Movie Quotes -The scariest quotes are those that try to tempt you to try things you normally wouldn't.

95. “And you will face the sea of darkness, and all therein that may be explored.” The Beyond (1981)

96. “Hey, you wanna see something really scary?” — passenger, Twilight Zone: The Movie

97. “Enjoy the horrorthon, doctor... and don't forget to watch the big giveaway afterwards.” —Conal Cochran Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982)

98. “The city of the dead. The living dead. A cursed city where the gates of hell have been opened.” — Mary Woodhouse, City of the Living Dead (1980)

99. “No matter how gruesome or horrible the murder, you can always find someone who’ll buy the house.” — Marcy, American Horror Story Season 1 (2007)

100. “Don't worry she'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain.” — Lizzie, after killing her sister, The Walking Dead Season 4 (2014)

101. “Did you know that I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?” — Roderick Usher, House of Usher (1960)

102. ”I've seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.” —Girl in car, Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)

103. “You don't call a man a tree.” — Ahab, Father’s Day (2011)

104. Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days, it gets to eat. - Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

Short Scary Tattoo Quotes For Horror Fans

105. I'll put a spell on you.

106. Blood is life.

107. I have made trees bleed.

108. That scratching you hear in your head is the monster trying to get out.

109. Time to cause some screaming.

110. Killing since 1987.

111. Ants across the eyeballs!

112. I'm supposed to be scary.

113. Bad things inside.

114. Bloody boots build strong legs.

115. Even my eyes have eyes.

116. Focus on the slicing.

117. Tap the vein; ecstasy awaits.

118. Sacred marks lie below the skin.

119. I'll swallow your soul!

120. Creepy plus scary plus passion equals love.

121. Teach me how to obey.

122. The rumors are true.

123. I didn't do it.

124. Ultimate horror fan!

125. Caveat Emptor (This is Latin for "let the buyer beware". Can you imagine this creepy quote on a working girl?)

126. Evil is a consequence of good.

127. I am the bad guy.

128. Sleep with me at your own risk. (Imagine seeing this on a woman you have a crush on.)

129. Only nine toes left.

More Quotes That Will Scare, Disturb and Cause Goosebumps

130. "In London, there is a man who screams when the church bell rings." — H.P. Lovecraft, "the Descendant"

131. "Yes, terrible things happen, but sometimes those terrible things... they save you." — Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

132. "My sleep wasn't peaceful, though. I have the sense of emerging from a world of dark, haunted places where I traveled alone." — Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

133. "You get what anybody gets - you get a lifetime." — Neil Gaiman, Sandman, Vol 1 : Preludes and Nocturnes

134. "Some tiny creature, mad with wrath, is coming nearer on the path." — Edward Gorey, The Evil Garden

135. "The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license." - John Wayne Gacy

136. "I want to peel the rest of your skin off." - Said by my little brother about my mom's sunburn.

137. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. - Psalms 137:9 King James Bible

138. "You can't eat me, dammit! At least not legally." - Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE

139. You cut up a thing that's alive and beautiful to find out how it's alive and beautiful, and before you know it, it's neither of those things, and you're standing there with blood on your face and tears in your eyes and only terrible ache of guilt to show for it. - Clive Barker

140. "Biting is excellent. It's like kissing - only there's a winner." - Neil Gaiman

141. I want everyone to understand how beautiful an autopsy can really be. - One of Mine (Controlled Chaos)

142. "As a child, I dragged a dead squirrel home, cut it open and tried to look at its brain." - Jessica Biel

143. "I am a monster; I am the Son of Sam and I love to hunt." - David Berkowitz

144. My toenails are sharp and have killed fourteen souls! - Mine

145. "If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness." - Carved into a wall by Jewish prisoner.

146. It’s not hands that summon us. It is desire. - Hellbound: Hellraiser 2(1988)

147. Kid, I’m the Joker. I don’t just randomly kill people. I kill people when it’s funny. – Joker, Batman Issue 686

148. There were worse things than crucifixion. There were teeth.- Stephen King, The Stand

149. A little bit of torture goes a long way.

150. One day everyone will realize that plants can scream; then even the vegetarians won’t know what to eat.

Frightening Quotes Anyone?

151. Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. – Rorschach, The Watchmen

152. Satan has his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and detested. – Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

153. When I first starting killing things, it was amazing. I was like Christopher Columbus going into the wild.

154. Let’s spend the night lounging about the living room taking turns relaying dark chilling quotes from our favorite films.

155. May I pop your pimples?

156. I just love picking out scary costumes for Halloween; costumes so scary that they make little kids cry.

157. I'm gonna invade Heaven.

158. Notice… Anyone found here at night will be found here in the morning. - From a Sign

159. I’m glad to see you’re back. You’re glad to see my front. – Elvira, Mistress of the Dark

160. And when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. –Friedrich Nietzsche

161. We have such sights to show you. – (Pinhead) Hellraiser (1987)

162. I'm gonna need a hacksaw. - Jack Bauer, 24 Season 2

163. My eyes bleed because I've watched you so intently!

164. I knew it was going to be a really good movie… as soon as he buried that knife into her chest. – Roger Jackson, Inside Story (about Scream)

165. A fan once asked if he could have a piece of my hair for voodoo. I said no, so he hugged me and plucked out a couple of hairs and ran off. – Amy Lee

166. That mouth… so moist, so alive. I want to chew on it, taste it. – Eye Candy (2015)

167. The more killing you do, the better you get at it… as it is with anything.

168. Pretty soon, sooner than you think… you’re gonna scream. – Bruce Campbell, Masters of Horror Documentary

169. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. – Mark Twain

170. The technology for pulling teeth has advanced little, as has the pain you feel during and afterwards.

More Dark Quotes of Horror

171. Everything must go. (Said about a small town.)

172. The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. – Genesis 3:13

173. You ain't seen nothing like this.

174. I wonder what causes me to have such violent and realistic dreams?

175. Would you like to sell me your pinky finger?

176. All game should be treated with respect, even the two-legged variety.

177. Even smiling makes my face ache. - Dr. Frank N. Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show

178. I'm going to play baseball with your head.

179. My favorite time to pick up women is early in the morning. I'm talking about 6 a.m. early.

180. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. – Buffalo Bill, Silence of the Lambs (1991)

181. Almost half of my monthly income comes from rat killing. So yeah, I like killing rats.

182. We've got a fainter down in head removal! - Tour Guide Of A Chicken Processing Plant, Yes Man (2008)

183. Smile while you can.

184. Priest: I kick ass for the Lord! (jumps in to give zombies a beat down.) – Dead Alive (1992)

185. Beware the autumn people. – Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes

186. But the wolf… the wolf only needs enough luck to find you once. – Emily Carroll, Through the Woods

187. There is only one true way to make a person be quiet, and it's located right over there in that cupboard. - Said to me a long time ago by my great Aunt.

188. Demon: What an excellent day for an exorcism. – The Exorcist (1973)

189. Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. – H.P. Lovecraft, The Picture in the House

190. How about this for a headline tomorrow? French Fries! – James French (execution by electric chair)

191. My boots have plenty of blood on them.


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